Monday, September 25, 2017

Will Nemmers' 09-25-17 Email Toss Another Monkey Wrench Into Rigged Chippewa Co., Lac Qui Parle Co., Yellow Medicine Co. Dept Of Correction Sentence To Serve Crew Leader Michael John Martin's Rigged Case No. 87-CR-17-264 & Case No. 12-CR-17-367? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Gilbertson's Go To Hell Response? Lion News‏ @Lion__News  Chippewa Co Gilbertson mum sweetheart plea deal #MartinScandal 12-CR-17-367 & 87-CR-17-264 @MinnCorrections Martin? … 8:03 AM - 26 Sep 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  Is @PATHWAYSOFWCMN part of the Good ol' Boys club? Sweetheart plea deal #MartinScandal 12-CR-17-367 & 87-CR-17-264 @MinnCorrections Martin? 7:44 AM - 26 Sep 2017 

from:    Lion News
Steve Ammermann
date:    Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 9:37 AM
subject:    Chapter 13 data request - Chippewa & Yellow Medicine Co contract with 6W Community Corrections & Martin data

David Gilbertson - Chippewa County Attorney (320) 269-6461 & Keith R. Helgeson, Yellow Medicine County Attorney 320-564-5832:

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format:

1. Chippewa County's appointment of special assistant Chippewa County attorney for Michael John Martin DOB: 08/16/1969 prosecution.
2. Yellow Medicine County's appointment of special assistant Yellow Medicine County attorney for Michael John Martin DOB: 08/16/1969 prosecution.
3. 06/22/2017 E-filed Comp-Summons Index # 1 Case No. 12-CR-17-367 State of Minnesota vs Chippewa Co., Lac qui Parle Co., Yellow Medicine Co. Dept of Correction Sentence to Serve Crew Leader MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN (Location: Chippewa, Date Filed: 06/22/2017)
4. 06/06/2017 E-filed Comp-Order for Detention Index # 1 Case No. 87-CR-17-264 State of Minnesota vs Chippewa Co., Lac qui Parle Co., Yellow Medicine Co. Dept of Correction Sentence to Serve Crew Leader MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN (Date Filed: 06/06/2017 Location: Yellow Medicine)
5. Your respective Chippewa County Attorney's office and Yellow Medicine County Attorney's office policy and procedure manuals. (Did you know that Stearns County Attorney Janelle Kendal just emailed me her policy & procedure manual on Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 1:23 PM? It would appear that Kendall uses the Minnesota County Attorneys Association policy and procedure manual, wouldn't it? It would, wouldn't it?) (The one Gilbertson admitted to possessing in my 07-28-17 recorded phone call, right?. You shouldn't be extremely rude and hang up on people, should you? Especially, people who record the phone calls, right?)
6. Respective court documents for 12-CR-17-367 & 87-CR-17-264 in which you demand that Chippewa County Judicial Officer Thomas W. Van Hon ( recuse/disqualify himself from 12-CR-17-367 & 87-CR-17-264.
7. Minnesota Department of Corrections Sentencing to Service Client Intake Forms submitted by Chippewa Co., Lac qui Parle Co., Yellow Medicine Co. Dept of Correction Sentence to Serve Crew Leader to Chippewa County Judicial Officer Thomas W. Van Hon & Yellow Medicine County Judicial Officer/Eighth Judicial District Assistant Chief Judge Dwayne N. Knutsen. Dates: 08/01/2016-04/20/2017 (Redact all private data, okay?) [“To be completed by the referring agency: ... 205.117B (6/2017)” You're the referring agency, aren't you?]
8. Chippewa County's & Yellow Medicine County's respective signed 6W Income Contracts Years: 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-17. (You know like the ones that the DOC emailed to me Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 8:50 AM)

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Did you notify the Chippewa Co., Lac qui Parle Co., Yellow Medicine Co. Dept of Correction Sentence to Serve Crew Leader MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN's victim that the 09/27/2017 Settlement Conference (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Van Hon, Thomas W.) is actually a plea hearing? Hmm? inquiring minds want to know, don't they?
P.S.S. Oh, and it still is a conflict of interest for your corrupt judge Van Hon to be presiding over Martin's cases, isn't it?
P.S.S.S. Helgeson still isn't mad at me for tossing a monkey wrench into his judge job opportunity, is he?  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI #MartinScandal update 87-CR-17-264 & 12-CR-17-367: @MinnCorrections unwritten authority to rig Martin rape investigation? @CarolynLange 9:41 AM - 7 Aug 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI #MartinScandal update 87-CR-17-264 & 12-CR-17-367: @MinnCorrections 6W Income Contract FY12-13 grants Martin rape okay? @CarolynLange 5:47 AM - 8 Aug 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI #MartinScandal update 87-CR-17-264 &12-CR-17-367 @MinnCorrections 6W Income Contract FY12-13 grants DOC rig Martin probe? @CarolynLange 5:49 AM - 8 Aug 2017

4. Factors that the prosecutor should not consider in resolving cases include, but are not limited to: a. Any personal or political advantage; I. C. Plea Negotiations. Stearns County Attorney’s office policy and procedure manual. Dated 1-6-2000 Signed Roger S. Van Heel Stearns County Attorney

Case No. 12-CR-17-367 State of Minnesota vs Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN 06/22/2017 E-filed Comp-Summons Doc ID# 1 07/31/2017 First Appearance (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officers Van Hon, Thomas W., Knutsen, Dwayne) (Complainant: Chippewa County Sheriff Stacy Tufto Electronically signed 06-21-17 2:59 pm Prosecuting attorney: Chippewa County attorney David M. Gilbertson Electronically signed: 06-21-17 11:07am)

Case No. 87-CR-17-264 State of Minnesota vs Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN 06/06/2017 E-filed Comp-Order for Detention Doc ID# 1 07/31/2017 Settlement Conference (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officers Van Hon, Thomas W., Knutsen, Dwayne) (Complainant: Yellow Medicine Co. deputy Casey Namken #93 Electronically signed 06-06-17 9:01am Prosecuting attorney: Yellow Medicine County Assistant Attorney Stacy Vinberg Electronically signed: 06-06-17 855am)

There is no appointment of a special assistant Chippewa County Attorney on Martin’s case. ... 8. I made no such demand.  From: Dave Gilbertson to: Lion News date: Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 2:19 PM subject: RE: Chapter 13 data request - Chippewa County contract with 6W Community Corrections & Martin data. Yellow Medicine County Judicial Officers Assistant Chief Judge Dwayne N. Knutsen Eighth Judicial District Yellow Medicine Chippewa County Judicial Officers  Judge Thomas W. Van Hon Judge Thomas W. Van Hon Eighth Judicial District Chippewa

PLEA AGREEMENT/PLEA HEARING A victim has a right to be present at the plea presentation hearing and to express orally or in writing, at the victim’s option, any objection to the agreement or proposed disposition. 611A.03, subd. 1(1); 611A.0301. Minnesota Crime Victim Rights: Reference Guide for Criminal Justice Agencies and Professionals Office of Justice Programs, Revised May 2016 Page 7 MINNESOTA CRIME VICTIM RIGHTS COURT BEST PRACTICES During plea hearing, ask prosecutor if victim has been contacted regarding the proposed plea agreement and if victim has any objection. Minnesota Crime Victim Rights: Reference Guide for Criminal Justice Agencies and Professionals Office of Justice Programs, Revised May 2016 Page 11

Code of Judicial Conduct CANON 1 Rule 1.2 Promoting Confidence in the Judiciary A judge shall act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the independence, integrity, and impartiality of the judiciary, and shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety. Comment [3] Conduct that compromises or appears to compromise the independence, integrity, and impartiality of a judge undermines public confidence in the judiciary. Because it is not practicable to list all such conduct, the Rule is necessarily cast in general terms.

Generally. The Office will handle all cases over which it has jurisdiction. Cases will be evaluated for potential conflict where the following circumstances exist: d. A party or victim is a person who is well known to or has regular contact with the County Attorney or members of his/her staff on either a professional or personal basis. Hennepin County Attorney Manual - Guidelines for Cases Involving a Conflict of Interest Revised Date: 04/2014.

Gov. Mark Dayton will appoint one of the three candidates to fill the seat of Judge Donald Spilseth, of Willmar, who is retiring Oct. 6. The candidates include First Assistant Kandiyohi County Attorney Stephen Wentzell, Stevens County Attorney Aaron Jordan and Yellow Medicine County Attorney Keith Helgeson. ... Helgeson provides legal advice to all Yellow Medicine County departments, is responsible for the prosecution of all felonies and gross misdemeanors and supervises the appellate work and administrative appeals for the county. Three western Minn. prosecutors are candidates to succeed Judge Spilseth By News Tribune, West Central Tribune and Forum Communications Company on Aug 25, 2017 at 7:14 a.m.

WILLMAR — Assistant Kandiyohi County Attorney Stephen Wentzell has a new job as as an Eighth Judicial District judge. Gov. Mark Dayton announced the appointment Friday. Wentzell will replace Judge Donald Spilseth, who is retiring Oct. 6.Wentzell appointed to fill Eighth Judicial District vacancy By Tribune News, West Central Tribune and Forum Communications Company on Sep 15, 2017 at 8:42 p.m.

GRANITE FALLS — The verdict is in, delivered by none other than the Chief Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court Lorie Skjerven Gildea. ... "This wonderful Justice Center that you have built and the people who serve it in are living out the promise in our constitution that the government will keep the people secure, will work for the people's benefit and will work to protect them,'' said Justice Gildea during the ceremony. YM Justice Center makes its case: State's chief justice commends county for support of courts By Tom Cherveny, West Central Tribune and Forum Communications Company on Sep 15, 2017 at 8:11 a.m.

from:    Dave Gilbertson
to:    Lion News
date:    Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 2:10 PM
subject:    RE: Chapter 13 data request - Chippewa & Yellow Medicine Co contract with 6W Community Corrections & Martin data
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more
:    Important mainly because of your interaction with messages in the conversation.


1.      Previously answered.
2.      N/A.
3.      Attached.
4.      N/A.
5.      Previously answered.
6.      Previously answered.
7.      No, this office is not.
8.      This office has no such contracts.

David M. Gilbertson
Chippewa County Attorney

From: Lion News []
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 9:37 AM
To:;;;;;; Steve Ammermann
Subject: Chapter 13 data request - Chippewa & Yellow Medicine Co contract with 6W Community Corrections & Martin data

Attachment: complaint.doc

from:    Lion News
date:    Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 9:19 AM
subject:    Fwd: Corrupt candidates for eighth judicial district corrupt judge Donald Spilseth's job are the common criminals: Helgeson, Jordan & Wentzell?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lion News
Date: Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 7:36 AM
Subject: Corrupt candidates for eighth judicial district corrupt judge Donald Spilseth's job are the common criminals: Helgeson, Jordan & Wentzell?
To:, Randy Kehr, Londa Burns,,,,,

Lee Sheehy, Chair - Minnesota Commission on Judicial Selection:

I see that you're trying to replace that criminal Spilseth with a fresh crop of criminals, don't I? I do, don't I?

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 24, 2017 Commission on Judicial Selection Recommends Eighth Judicial District Candidates to Governor Dayton   ST. PAUL, MN – The Commission on Judicial Selection announced today it is recommending three candidates to Governor Mark Dayton for consideration to fill the current vacancy in Minnesota’s Eighth Judicial District. This vacancy was created upon the retirement of the Honorable Donald M. Spilseth, and will be chambered at Willmar in Kandiyohi County.

Spilseth is that criminal who I caught not having his rigged court open 24/7/365 days per year, isn't he?

169.91 ARREST. Subdivision 1. Procedure. When any person is arrested for any violation of any law or ordinance relating to the operation or registration of vehicles punishable as a petty misdemeanor, misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or felony, the arrested person shall be taken into custody and immediately taken before a judge within the county in which the offense charged is alleged to have been committed and who has jurisdiction over the offenses and is nearest or most accessible with reference to the place where the arrest is made, in any of the following cases: (1) when a person arrested demands an immediate appearance before a judge;
He is, isn't he?

After Kandiyohi County prosecuting attorney Shane Baker wrapped up his closing arguments, Nemmers attempted to arrest Judge Donald M. Spilseth for not having the court open at the time Nemmers was arrested.  Nemmers, defiant to the end, gets four months By, West Central Tribune and Forum Communications Company on Mar 14, 2007 at 12:00 a.m.

Make sure you tell your candidate First Assistant Kandiyohi County Attorney Stephen Wentzell that I still want the 34-CR-06-2054 evidence that is still being illegally withheld from me, okay? Lion News: Kandiyohi County Attorney Fischer Aided & Abetted In Nemmers' Malicious Prosecution? Lion News: Willmar Police Chief David Wyffels Aiding & Abetting Kandiyohi Co. In Cover Up?  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI for harassers & Spilseth lovers: Nemmers still waiting for illegally w/held 34-CR-06-2054 evidence, isn't he? 4:57 PM - 8 Jun 2017
Oh, and ask Wentzell if his criminal boss Baker is still mad at me for tossing a monkey wrench into Scott Johnson's rigged case, okay?

CASE NO. 34-CR-16-432 State of Minnesota vs SCOTT LEE JOHNSON 05/19/2016 Complaint Summons  Doc ID# 1 (Judicial Officer: Fischer, Jennifer ) 04/14/2017 Disposition (Judicial Officer: Spilseth, Donald M.) 1. Game and Fish-Buy/Sell Wild Animals-$300 or More Dismissed 2. DNR Rule - Minnows Dismissed

You remember the last time that criminal Steven County Attorney Aaron Jordan applied for a corrupt judge position? Jordan is still illegally withholding that rape data for that apparently rigged UMM Baseball player Cody Lee Reinke case, isn't he? He is, isn't he?

Case No. 75-CR-15-45 State of Minnesota vs UMM Baseball player Cody Lee Reinke
11/09/2015 Disposition (Judicial Officer: Seibel, Gerald J.)
1. Criminal Sexual Cond-1st Degree-Penet or Contact Under 13-Injury-Use Force/Coerce  Acquitted
2. Criminal Sex Conduct-3rd Degree-Force or Coercion Acquitted

Oh, speaking of rigged and blatant conflict of interest Jordan affixed his name to a rigged court case for Morris area high school principal Craig Peterson, didn't he? He did, didn't he?

Case no. 75-CR-13-351. Complainant Jason Reed, Badge 307 Investigator Morris Police Dept. Electronically signed: 12/26/2013. Prosecuting Attorney: Stevens County Aaron K. Jordan Electronically signed 12/26/2013. Stevens County Judicial Officer: Seibel, Gerald J.).

That's the case where special assistant Stevens county attorney/Grant Co. Attorney Justin Anderson was added only after I brought up the blatant conflict of interest, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

Code of Judicial Conduct CANON 1 Rule 1.2 Promoting Confidence in the Judiciary A judge shall act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the independence, integrity, and impartiality of the judiciary, and shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety. Comment [3] Conduct that compromises or appears to compromise the independence, integrity, and impartiality of a judge undermines public confidence in the judiciary. Because it is not practicable to list all such conduct, the Rule is necessarily cast in general terms.

Of course, corrupt Yellow Medicine Co. Attorney Keith Helgeson has both Jordan and Wentzell beat, doesn't he? Keith Helgeson is illegally withholding the incriminating final BCA report for Kelly Jean Anderson's Clarkfield shooting incident, isn't he? He is, isn't he? Why? Helgeson doesn't want to admit that those South Dakota police officer were impersonating Minnesota LEO, right? That's right, isn't it? And Helgeson is illegally withholding that incriminating 911 call that proves that Glenwood America’s Best Value Inn SWAT raid for Yellow Medicine Co. fugitive Andrew Dikken was a publicity stunt, isn't he? He is, isn't he?

I've got a reasonable suspicion that you're going to rubber stamp Helgeson for the open corrupt judge slot, haven't I? I have, haven't I? Why? Helgeson is busying rigging those rape cases for his future fellow state worker Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader Michael John Martin, isn't he? He is, isn't he?

Case No. 87-CR-17-264 State of Minnesota vs Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN 06/06/2017 E-filed Comp-Order for Detention Doc ID# 1 07/31/2017 Settlement Conference  (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officers Van Hon, Thomas W., Knutsen, Dwayne) (Complainant: Yellow Medicine Co. deputy Casey Namken #93 Electronically signed 06-06-17 9:01am Prosecuting attorney: Yellow Medicine County Assistant Attorney Stacy Vinberg Electronically signed: 06-06-17 855am)

Did you know that Helgeson doesn't even want to email his policy and procedure manual for his county attorney's office (Actually, his partner in crime Chippewa County attorney David M. Gilbertson willfully refuses to email me his policy & procedure manual, also, doesn't he? He does, doesn't he?)

Case No. 12-CR-17-367 State of Minnesota vs Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN 06/22/2017 E-filed Comp-Summons Doc ID# 1 07/31/2017 First Appearance (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officers Van Hon, Thomas W., Knutsen, Dwayne)

(Complainant: Chippewa County Sheriff Stacy Tufto Electronically signed 06-21-17 2:59 pm Prosecuting attorney: Chippewa County attorney David M. Gilbertson Electronically signed: 06-21-17 11:07am)

Why? It would show that both Helgeson & Chippewa County attorney David M. Gilbertson are rigging both Martin's cases, wouldn't it? It would, wouldn't it?

Generally. The Office will handle all cases over which it has jurisdiction. Cases will be evaluated for potential conflict where the following circumstances exist: d. A party or victim is a person who is well known to or has regular contact with the County Attorney or members of his/her staff on either a professional or personal basis. Hennepin County Attorney Manual - Guidelines for Cases Involving a Conflict of Interest Revised Date: 04/2014.

Do you plan on rushing this rubber stamp through like you did for Chief Deputy Stearns County Attorney Matthew M. Quinn & Assistant Chief of the Criminal Division in the Stearns County Attorney’s Office Shan C. Wang?
/1/id/308917  Inquiring minds want to know, don't they? They do, don't they?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI: 7-3-17 Granite Falls PD "Go to hell!" snail mail response for #DikkenScandal data? @wctrib @CarolynLange @MinnCorrections @SOTAMidwest 11:24 AM - 6 Jul 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI: 3rd "Go to hell!" letter for covering up conflict of interest #MartinScandal 87-CR-17-264? Hmm? @MinnCorrections @wctrib @CarolynLange 5:36 AM - 13 Jul 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI #MartinScandal update 87-CR-17-264 & 12-CR-17-367: @MinnCorrections 6W Income Contract FY16-17 grants Martin rape okay? @CarolynLange 5:39 AM - 11 Aug 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI #MartinScandal  9:00 AM 7-31-17 rigged Settlement Conference 87-CR-17-264 & secret 1st Appearance 12-CR-17-367? … 5:57 AM - 31 Jul 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  Dare to compare: #MartinScandal 87-CR-17-264 & 12-CR-17-367 @MinnCorrections Martin to Pennington Investigator 57-CR-17-569? @CarolynLange 2:47 PM - 28 Jul 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI: 06-29-17 "Go to hell!" snail mail response for #MartinScandal 87-CR-17-264 data? #DikkenScandal @wctrib @CarolynLange @MinnCorrections 6:50 AM - 30 Jun 2017   Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI: 7-3-17 Granite Falls PD "Go to hell!" snail mail response for #DikkenScandal data? @wctrib @CarolynLange @MinnCorrections @SOTAMidwest 11:24 AM - 6 Jul 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI: 06-29-17 "Go to hell!" snail mail response for #DikkenScandal & #AndersonPersonScandal data? @wctrib @CarolynLange @MinnCorrections 6:49 AM - 30 Jun 2017

More to come . . .
Related links:

Go To Hell Response From Corrupt David M. Gilbertson Chippewa County Attorney? Gilbertson Is Mad That Nemmers Tossed A Monkey Wrench Into Rigged Chippewa Co & Yellow Medicine Co Prosecutions For Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader (For Yellow Medicine Co. Lac Qui Parle Co & Chippewa Co, Right?) Michael John Martin - Rigged Case No. 87-CR-17-264 & 12-CR-17-367, Right? Gilbertson Confesses To No Special Assistant Prosecutor? No Special Prosecutor Is An Admission Of Willful & Blatant Conflict Of Interest, Right?

Corrupt Dept Of Corrections Coughs Up Chapter 13 Data For DOC Chippewa, Lac Qui Parle, & Yellow Medicine Co. STS Crew Leader Michael Martin? Contracts Don't Say Martin Is To Allowed To Rape Or Allowed Special Treatment In Rigged Case No. 87-CR-17-264 & 12-CR-17-367, Do They? Must Be The "Goes Without Saying" Part, Huh?

Update On Rigged Rigged Yellow Medicine Co Prosecution For Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader (For Yellow Medicine Co., Right?) Michael John Martin - Case No. 87-CR-17-264? Hey Did You Know That Martin Is Getting Special Treatment In Chippewa County, Also? It's Rigged Case No. 12-CR-17-367 State Of Minnesota VS MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN, Isn't it? Will Martin Get A Super-Duper Plea Deal Before All His Victims Are Found? Are There Any In Lac qui Parle County? Why Did Lac Qui Parle Former Deputy/Commissioner Maatz & Chippewa County Attorney David Gilbertson Both Hang Up On Nemmers, Huh? Go To Hell Snail Mail Responses From Corrupt Yellow Medicine Co. & Corrupt City Of Granite Falls?

Rigged Yellow Medicine Co Prosecution For Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader (For Yellow Medicine Co., Right?) Michael John Martin - Case No. 87-CR-17-264? Hey Let's Ask For That Illegally Withheld Andrew Dikken & Kelly Jean Anderson Data, Okay?

Corrupt MN DNR & Corrupt Lac Qui Parle Co. Attorney Richard G. Stulz Caught Rigging Case No. 37-CR-15-22 State Of Minnesota VS Joshua Dwight Liebl's? Corrupt DNR & Corrupt Stulz Illegally Releasing Confidential Criminal Investigative Data To Corrupt Media? No Surprise, Right? Sounds Like Rigged Cases: 03-CR-15-1798 State Of Minnesota VS Anthony Emmons; 03-CR-15-1800 State Of Minnesota VS Clifford Emmons; 03-CR-15-1802 State Of Minnesota VS Ryan Emmons & 21-CR-13-51 State Of Minnesota VS Ronald Wayne Johnson, Doesn't it? It Does, Doesn't it? Corrupt Stulz Sends Nemmers Harassing Email But No Readily Available, Free, Electronic, Searchable PDF Format, Public Data? Stulz Is Retaliating Against Nemmers, Isn't He? He Is, Isn't He? You'll Want To See Nemmers Slowly But Surely Discredit The Corrupt DNR And Corrupt Lac Qui Parle County, Won't You? You Will, Won't You? Why Is Supposed Interim Sheriff Kevin Monson, Badge 338 Harassing Nemmers?

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Corrupt Itasca Co Sheriff Vic Williams Admits To Ordering Itasca County Personnel To Engage In 626A.02.1(a) Felony Level Intercept Wire/Elect/Oral Communications In Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State Of Minnesota VS Itasca Co Sheriff's Administration Anna Marie Cass? Corrupt Lake Co Attorney Russ Conrow Trying To Run Out 3 Year Felony Statute Of Limitations (11/24/2014) For His Good Ol' Boy Buddy Sheriff Vic? Chapter 13 Data Request To Itasca Resource Director Lynn Hart?
Lion News‏ @Lion__News  Transcript 31-CR-15-571 says Itasca Co Sheriff Vic Williams ordered Anna Marie Cass to engage in felony 626A.02.1(a) intercept commun., hmm? 5:20 PM - 18 Sep 2017  1 Like     Cheryl Nagel  0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

from:    Lion News
date:    Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 9:13 AM
subject:    Chapter 13 data request for Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State of Minnesota vs Anna Marie Cass data

Russell H. Conrow Lake County Attorney 218.834.8375:

Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data:
1. 12/17/2015 Transcript Doc ID# 67 for Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State of Minnesota vs Itasca County sheriff's administrator Anna Marie Cass
2. Lake County Attorney's office policy and procedure manual - entire manual.
3. Chapter 13.83 Subd. 7. Criminal investigative data for for Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State of Minnesota vs Itasca County sheriff's administrator Anna Marie Cass
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. You aren't attempting to run out the statue of limitations on good oi' boy Itasca County Sheriff Vic William's witness tampering case, are you?

On November 16, 2015, while preparing for trial in the above matter, the State became aware of new information regarding the role of Itasca County Sheriff Victor Williams may have played in the incident that led to charges in the case. This information was contained within hundreds of pages of transcript from an internal investigation provided by the defense. Specifically, Sheriff Williams made statements that are self-incriminating in nature. Further Sheriff Williams allegedly made admissions against his interest to at least two other people. The scope of the internal investigation was limited to whether the defendant and Chief Deputy Hirt committed misconduct. Accordingly, it appears from the investigative report generated as a result of the internal investigation that the self-incriminating statements allegedly made by Sheriff Williams were never followed up on. In an attempt to verify that fact, the State requested a copy of Sheriff Williams statement from the internal investigation from the defense. The State was told that defense counsel did not believe a statement have been taken from Sheriff Williams. It also appears from the investigative report that the witnesses Sheriff Williams allegedly made admissions against his interest to were not interviewed.  This new information, especially when considered in the context of what can reasonably be characterized as multiple ongoing attempts by Sheriff Williams to steer and influence the outcome of the independent criminal investigation into this incident by an outside agency, causes the State great concern. ... The prosecutor, as an officer of the court, and with the duty to seek justice, has an obligation to further investigate the role of Sheriff Victor Williams played in the incident that occurred in the Itasca County Sheriff's office on November 24, 2014 that led to these charges. Memorandum of Law and Fact in support of State's Motion for Continuance of Jury Trial in Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State of Minnesota vs. Anna Marie Cass. Dated: November 19, 2015.
Electronically signed by Lisa B. Hanson #302235

When he discovered that sheriff's administrator Anna Cass had monitored the meeting using audio-visual equipment in the office, documents say Bliss filed a complaint with Human Resources. That launched a criminal investigation into the department where charges against Cass were eventually dropped. But, according to the arbitrator, the incident became central to the deputy's eventual termination. Documents say that in May 2015, Sheriff Vic Williams placed Deputy Bliss on administrative leave saying he was "taking the action due to the turmoil going on in the office." Later, in December of 2015, documents say, the sheriff terminated Bliss citing thirteen instances of misconduct. Arbitrator rules against Itasca County Sheriff's Department By Heidi Enninga, WDIO-TV by Duluth News Tribune and Forum Communications Company on Sep 16, 2016 at 8:00 a.m.

Ugrich claims in the lawsuit that he felt he had to resign because he was "singled-out and targeted" for publicly backing a deputy who was running against Sheriff Vic Williams in 2014. The documents say Ugrich "served as a de facto campaign manager" and it was "widely known in the community" that Ugrich was supporting Deputy Bryan Johnson's candidacy. Former Itasca County deputy files lawsuit against sheriff By Baihly Warfield, WDIO-TV by Duluth News Tribune and Forum Communications Company on Apr 28, 2016 at 10:15 p.m

Authorities were alerted to concerns about Johnson — an Itasca County deputy who ran unsuccessfully for sheriff in 2014 — by a local school official. ... Johnson allegedly gave several explanations for the discrepancy — that on one date there were substitute teachers and on another he was investigating a fatal crash  — but school records showed there were no substitutes, and on one occasion, Johnson was actually in Minneapolis, according to the complaint. Two Bovey councilors face felony charges By Tom Olsen, Duluth News Tribune and Forum Communications Company on Jul 23, 2017 at 10:00 p.m.

Office of Lake County Attorney
Lake County Courthouse
601 Third Avenue
Two Harbors, MN 55616
218.834.8375 (phone)
218.834.8397 (fax)

September 18, 2017

This letter is a response to your request for documents under the Minnesota Data Practices Act. The first document you requested was “12/17/2015 Transcript Doc ID# 67 for Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State of Minnesota vs Itasca County sheriff's administrator Anna Marie Cass.” That document is attached. You also requested the “Lake County Attorney’s office policy and procedure manual – entire manual. There is no such document in the Lake County Attorney’s Office. The final documents you requested were “Chapter 13.83 Subd. 7. Criminal investigative data for for Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State of Minnesota vs Itasca County sheriff’s administrator Anna Marie Cass.” Lake County does not maintain or possess such documents.


/s/ Russ Conrow
Russ Conrow

from:    Kathleen Norton via
to:    ""
date:    Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 2:43 PM
subject:    Letter to Lion News
security:    Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
:    Important mainly because of the people in the conversation.

2 Attachments Letter to Lion News.docx Transcript.pdf

5 And
6 in those statements is material that was new to me,
7 specifically additional statements that had allegedly
8 been made by Sheriff Vic Williams ah, that appear to be
9 self—incriminating with regard to the incident Ms. Cass
10 is charged with.Um, specifically he said to the

11 complaining witness in our criminal case “I'm to blame, I
12 told them to do it.” When told it was a felony he
13 indicated “I guess I'll just have to take a felony then."
14 There‘s also information in there that indicates that the
15 Sheriff allegedly made incriminating statements and
16 admissions to at least two other Itasca County employees
l7 or officers, and buy one of those officers was directed
l8 to self—report his conduct in connection to this matter
Page 5. State of Minnesota, Plaintiff vs. Anna Marie Cass, Defendant. Transcript of Proceedings, File No. 31-CR-15-57l

from:    Lynn Hart
to:    ""
date:    Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 8:12 AM
subject:    Data Request
security:    Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

Dear Mr. Nemmers:
I received your voice message regarding a data request for some employee’s in the Sheriff Department.  Can you please put your data request in writing so that I can properly respond to your data request.  I have included a link to the policy with the form for you to use.  Thank you.

Lynn Hart
Human Resources Director

Itasca County
123 NE 4th Street
Grand Rapids, MN  55744

Phone: 218-327-7361
Cell: 218-244-3658
Fax: 218-327-7382

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from:    Lion News
to:    Lynn Hart
date:    Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 9:51 AM
subject:    Re: Data Request

Lynn Hart, Human Resources Director 218-244-3658:

Chapter 13 data request - Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data:

1. Subd. 2. Public data. 4) the existence and status of any complaints or charges against the employee, regardless of whether the complaint or charge resulted in a disciplinary action;  (5) the final disposition of any disciplinary action together with the specific reasons for the action and data documenting the basis of the action; (6) the complete terms of any agreement settling any dispute arising out of an employment relationship, including a buyout agreement for the following Itasca County personnel: Itasca Co Sheriff's Deputy Bryan Johnson, Itasca County Deputy Troy Ugrich, Itasca Co Sheriff's Lt Michael Bliss, Itasca Sheriff's Office Administrator Anna Marie Cass, Itasca County Sheriff's Chief Deputy Denise Hirt, and Itasca County Sheriff Victor J. Williams,
2. Subd. 2. Public data. (7) work-related continuing education for the following Itasca County personnel: Itasca Co Sheriff's Deputy Bryan Johnson, Itasca County Deputy Troy Ugrich, Itasca Co Sheriff's Lt Michael Bliss, Itasca Sheriff's Office Administrator Anna Marie Cass, Itasca County Sheriff's Chief Deputy Denise Hirt, and Itasca County Sheriff Victor J. Williams, (Years: 2010-2017)
3. Itasca County personnel manual and Garrity warning.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Would you like to hear all my recordings of all my messages?

And in those statements is material that was new to me, specifically additional statements that had allegedly been made by Sheriff Vic Williams ah, that appear to be self—incriminating with regard to the incident Ms. Cass is charged with.Um, specifically he said to the complaining witness in our criminal case “I'm to blame, told them to do it.” When told it was a felony he indicated “I guess I'll just have to take a felony then." There‘s also information in there that indicates that the Sheriff allegedly made incriminating statements and admissions to at least two other Itasca County employees or officers, and buy one of those officers was directed to self—report his conduct in connection to this  matter. Page 5. State of Minnesota, Plaintiff vs. Anna Marie Cass, Defendant. Transcript of Proceedings, File No. 31-CR-15-57l.

After an independent investigation, criminal charges were brought against one of the individuals who attempted to record or listen to Bliss’s conversation. Id. at 3. The charges were eventually dismissed without prejudice; however, the criminal investigation is still pending, and has been turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (“FBI”). Id. Page No. A17-0529 April 10, 2017 STATE OF MINNESOTA COURT OF APPEALS, Michael Bliss, Respondent/Plaintiff, v. Itasca County, Petitioner/Defendant. RESPONDENT’S RESPONSE TO PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW. Trial Court Case No. 31-cv-16-3257 Judge Paul E. Rasmussen.

More to come . .  .

Related links:

Did You Know That Corrupt Itasca Co Sheriff Vic "Good Ol' Boy #2" Williams Is Being Investigated By The FBI? According To A17-0529, Right? Appeal From Itasca Co Lt Bliss VS. County of Itasca Case No. 31-CV-16-3257, Right?

Update On: Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams Tampering With Witnesses In Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State Of Minnesota VS (TRIAD/SALT Treasurer) Itasca Co. Admin. Records Anna Marie Cass (Vic's & Chief Judge LeDuc's "Girl Friday", Right?) Lake Co. Attorney Laura M. Auron ( And Lake Co. Sheriff Carey Johnson, Right?) Caught Illegally Withholding Readily Available Free Electronic Public Data? How Can Lake Co.'s Auron Be Trusted To Investigate And Prosecute "Good Ol Boy #2" Williams If She Can't Be Trusted To Fulfill A Simple Data Request Without Breaking The Law, Huh? Lake Co. Sheriff Carey Johnson Is Doing An Imaginary Investigation Into Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams' Tampering With Witnesses, Isn't He? He Is, Isn't He?

Is Corrupt Itasca Co Sheriff Vic "Good Ol' Boy #2" Williams Sad That John Richard Lom Had His Felony Drive By Shooting Case Dismissed (Case No. 36-CR-15-575)? If Case No. 36-CR-15-575 Is Really Dismissed, Then Why Does It Still Say "Open" & "Pending Disposition," Huh? To Continue To Smear Lom's Good Name, Right? Sounds Just Like Case No. 43-CR-14-715 - Dismissed - State Of Minnesota VS Heather Swantek, Doesn't It? Just More Proof That There Is No Justice In The Corrupt Courts Of Minnesota? Koochiching Co. Sheriff Perryn Hedlund & Co. Attorney Jeff Naglosky Illegally Send Nemmers Confidential Investigative Data For Lom's Active Case 36-CR-15-575, But Still Illegally Withholding Public Data For Leach's Closed Cases - Case No. 36-CR-09-736 & Case No. 36-K0-97-000555? Leach Assaulted Lom's Wife, Belita At Northome Municipal Liquor Store (Case No. 36-CR-15-570), Didn't He?

Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams Tampering With Witnesses In Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State Of Minnesota VS (TRIAD/SALT Treasurer) Itasca Co. Admin. Records Anna Marie Cass (Vic's & Chief Judge LeDuc's "Girl Friday", Right?) Lake Co. Attorney Laura M. Auron ( And Lake Co. Sheriff Carey Johnson, Right?) Caught Illegally Withholding Readily Available Free Electronic Public Data? How Can Lake Co.'s Auron Be Trusted To Investigate And Prosecute "Good Ol Boy #2" Williams If She Can't Be Trusted To Fulfill A Simple Data Request Without Breaking The Law, Huh?

Chapter 13 Data Request - Criminal Investigative Data For Case Rigged By Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams For (TRIAD/SALT Treasurer) Itasca Co. Admin./Records Anna Marie Cass? Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State Of Minnesota VS Anna Marie Cass? Incriminating News Dumped Into Friday's Blackhole Of Forgetfulness? Minnesota Sheriff's Association (MSA) A Criminal Operation? SALT/TRIAD Fronts For MSA's Criminal Operation? MSA Conspiring With Good Ol Boy Vic To Harass And Intimidate John Lom With Threats Of Malicious Prosecution? Corrupt City Of Grand Rapids Police Chief Scott Johnson - What Is The Status Of My Criminal Complaint Against Corrupt Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams & Itasca Co. Administrator Trish (Klein) Harren? Hmm? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They?

Minnesota Sheriff's Association "Lawyers Up" After MSA'S (Unlicensed?) Lawyer Richard Hodsdon Sends Incriminating Email? Hodsdon Has Aided & Abetted Washington Co. Sheriff Hutton In The Illegal Withholding Of Free Electronic Data, Hasn't He? $5,031.00 Subscription For Lexipol? Did MSA Teach Otter Tail Co. Sheriff Brian Schlueter How To Commit Data Practice Crimes? Sheriff Brian Schlueter Making Wild & Outrageous Claims Nemmers Has To Get Copyright Waiver For Free Electronic Lexipol Policy Manual, Isn't He? Adam Harringa Of Fergus Falls Daily Journal Will Be Dumb Lap Dog Media That Won't Bark About This Data Dodge Either, Won't He?

Lion News: Washington County Attorney Pete Orput Rigs Trial For Druggie Deputy Ricky Gruber?

Will Washington County Attorney Pete Orput Rig High-Profile Murder Case For Byron Smith (Case No. 49-CR-12-1882) Like He Did For High-Profile Drug Case Of Washington Co. Deputy Ricky Harry Gruber (Case No. 82-CR-13-789)? Sheriff William Hutton & Orput Retaliate Against Nemmers By Illegally Withholding Deputy Gruber's Public Data? Morrison County Sheriff Michel Wetzel Tries To Defraud Nemmers Out Of $85.00? Wetzel Complaint Filed!

Washington Co. Court Staff Too Busy Watching Lion News To Process Data Request For the Rigged Trial Of Washington Co. Druggie Deputy Ricky Harry Gruber - Case No. 82-CR-13-789?

Sheriff Hutton Illegally Withholding Public Data On Druggie Deputy Gruber - Sweetheart Deal For Gruber At Rigged Trial? Conflict Of Interest With Washington Co. Attorney Pete Orput As Prostituting Attorney?

Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic "Good Ol' Boy #2" Williams Sends John Lom Threatening / Harassing / Illegal Demand Letter For Gun Permit? No Surprise, Right? Williams Trying To Incite Lom To Violence? Retaliation For Lom's Lawsuit Case No. 31-CV-14-3366? Or Retaliation For Nemmers Looking Into Richard Leroy Leach III's Assault On Lom's Wife, Belita At Northome Municipal Liquor Store (Case No. 36-CR-15-570)? Leach Banned From Northome Municpal Prior To Assault? Vic Is Still Mad About John Richard Lom Of Lawless Itasca County - Acquitted Of Obstructing Legal Process, A Felony ( Not Guilty ) - Case No. 31-CR-13-137, Isn't He? Lom Accused Of Shooting Up Vehicle With Illegally Switched VIN Numbers? Koochiching Co. Sheriff Perryn Hedlund & Co. Attorney Jeff Naglosky Illegally Send Nemmers Confidential Investigative Data For Lom's Active Case 36-CR-15-575, But Illegally Withhold Public Data For Leach's Closed Cases - Case No. 36-CR-09-736 & Case No. 36-K0-97-000555? Vic Slanders Lom By Saying Lom Is Anti-LEO in Confidential Documents?

Friday, September 15, 2017

Did You Know That Corrupt Itasca Co Sheriff Vic "Good Ol' Boy #2" Williams Is Being Investigated By The FBI? According To A17-0529, Right? Appeal From Itasca Co Lt Bliss VS. County of Itasca Case No. 31-CV-16-3257, Right?   Lion News‏ @Lion__News  Itasca Co Sheriff Vic Williams under @FBIMinneapolis investigation A17-0529 doc? Case No 31-CV-16-3257 Lt Michael Bliss vs County of Itasca? 8:13 AM - 14 Sep 2017

STATEMENT OF THE CASE This case involves a claim under the Minnesota Whistleblower Act, Minn. Stat. § 181.932. Bliss is a Lieutenant with the County’s Sheriff’s Department. See Pl.’s Brief in Opp. to Def.’s Mot. for Judgment on the Pleadings (“Plaintiff’s Brief”) at 2. The claim stems from Bliss’s report of potential illegal activity to the County’s Human Resource 1Department, namely that two colleagues attempted to record or listen to a conversation between Bliss and another county employee. Id. at 2. After an independent investigation, criminal charges were brought against one of the individuals who attempted to record or listen to Bliss’s conversation. Id. at 3. The charges were eventually dismissed without prejudice; however, the criminal investigation is still pending, and has been turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (“FBI”). Id.

Trial Court Case No. 31-cv-16-3257 Judge Paul E. Rasmussen 
Michael Bliss, Respondent/Plaintiff, v. Itasca County, Petitioner/Defendant. RESPONDENT’S RESPONSE TO PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW. Dated: April 10, 2017 NICHOLS KASTER, PLLP By: /s/Matthew H. Morgan Matthew H. Morgan (MN 304657) Lucas J. Kaster (MN 396251) 4600 IDS Center 80 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-2242 Telephone: (612) 256-3200 ATTORNEYS FOR RESPONDENT/PLAINTIFF

More to come . . .

Related Links:

Update On: Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams Tampering With Witnesses In Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State Of Minnesota VS (TRIAD/SALT Treasurer) Itasca Co. Admin. Records Anna Marie Cass (Vic's & Chief Judge LeDuc's "Girl Friday", Right?) Lake Co. Attorney Laura M. Auron ( And Lake Co. Sheriff Carey Johnson, Right?) Caught Illegally Withholding Readily Available Free Electronic Public Data? How Can Lake Co.'s Auron Be Trusted To Investigate And Prosecute "Good Ol Boy #2" Williams If She Can't Be Trusted To Fulfill A Simple Data Request Without Breaking The Law, Huh? Lake Co. Sheriff Carey Johnson Is Doing An Imaginary Investigation Into Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams' Tampering With Witnesses, Isn't He? He Is, Isn't He?

Is Corrupt Itasca Co Sheriff Vic "Good Ol' Boy #2" Williams Sad That John Richard Lom Had His Felony Drive By Shooting Case Dismissed (Case No. 36-CR-15-575)? If Case No. 36-CR-15-575 Is Really Dismissed, Then Why Does It Still Say "Open" & "Pending Disposition," Huh? To Continue To Smear Lom's Good Name, Right? Sounds Just Like Case No. 43-CR-14-715 - Dismissed - State Of Minnesota VS Heather Swantek, Doesn't It? Just More Proof That There Is No Justice In The Corrupt Courts Of Minnesota? Koochiching Co. Sheriff Perryn Hedlund & Co. Attorney Jeff Naglosky Illegally Send Nemmers Confidential Investigative Data For Lom's Active Case 36-CR-15-575, But Still Illegally Withholding Public Data For Leach's Closed Cases - Case No. 36-CR-09-736 & Case No. 36-K0-97-000555? Leach Assaulted Lom's Wife, Belita At Northome Municipal Liquor Store (Case No. 36-CR-15-570), Didn't He?

Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams Tampering With Witnesses In Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State Of Minnesota VS (TRIAD/SALT Treasurer) Itasca Co. Admin. Records Anna Marie Cass (Vic's & Chief Judge LeDuc's "Girl Friday", Right?) Lake Co. Attorney Laura M. Auron ( And Lake Co. Sheriff Carey Johnson, Right?) Caught Illegally Withholding Readily Available Free Electronic Public Data? How Can Lake Co.'s Auron Be Trusted To Investigate And Prosecute "Good Ol Boy #2" Williams If She Can't Be Trusted To Fulfill A Simple Data Request Without Breaking The Law, Huh?

Chapter 13 Data Request - Criminal Investigative Data For Case Rigged By Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams For (TRIAD/SALT Treasurer) Itasca Co. Admin./Records Anna Marie Cass? Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State Of Minnesota VS Anna Marie Cass? Incriminating News Dumped Into Friday's Blackhole Of Forgetfulness? Minnesota Sheriff's Association (MSA) A Criminal Operation? SALT/TRIAD Fronts For MSA's Criminal Operation? MSA Conspiring With Good Ol Boy Vic To Harass And Intimidate John Lom With Threats Of Malicious Prosecution? Corrupt City Of Grand Rapids Police Chief Scott Johnson - What Is The Status Of My Criminal Complaint Against Corrupt Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams & Itasca Co. Administrator Trish (Klein) Harren? Hmm? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They?

Minnesota Sheriff's Association "Lawyers Up" After MSA'S (Unlicensed?) Lawyer Richard Hodsdon Sends Incriminating Email? Hodsdon Has Aided & Abetted Washington Co. Sheriff Hutton In The Illegal Withholding Of Free Electronic Data, Hasn't He? $5,031.00 Subscription For Lexipol? Did MSA Teach Otter Tail Co. Sheriff Brian Schlueter How To Commit Data Practice Crimes? Sheriff Brian Schlueter Making Wild & Outrageous Claims Nemmers Has To Get Copyright Waiver For Free Electronic Lexipol Policy Manual, Isn't He? Adam Harringa Of Fergus Falls Daily Journal Will Be Dumb Lap Dog Media That Won't Bark About This Data Dodge Either, Won't He?

Lion News: Washington County Attorney Pete Orput Rigs Trial For Druggie Deputy Ricky Gruber?

Will Washington County Attorney Pete Orput Rig High-Profile Murder Case For Byron Smith (Case No. 49-CR-12-1882) Like He Did For High-Profile Drug Case Of Washington Co. Deputy Ricky Harry Gruber (Case No. 82-CR-13-789)? Sheriff William Hutton & Orput Retaliate Against Nemmers By Illegally Withholding Deputy Gruber's Public Data? Morrison County Sheriff Michel Wetzel Tries To Defraud Nemmers Out Of $85.00? Wetzel Complaint Filed!

Washington Co. Court Staff Too Busy Watching Lion News To Process Data Request For the Rigged Trial Of Washington Co. Druggie Deputy Ricky Harry Gruber - Case No. 82-CR-13-789?

Sheriff Hutton Illegally Withholding Public Data On Druggie Deputy Gruber - Sweetheart Deal For Gruber At Rigged Trial? Conflict Of Interest With Washington Co. Attorney Pete Orput As Prostituting Attorney?

Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic "Good Ol' Boy #2" Williams Sends John Lom Threatening / Harassing / Illegal Demand Letter For Gun Permit? No Surprise, Right? Williams Trying To Incite Lom To Violence? Retaliation For Lom's Lawsuit Case No. 31-CV-14-3366? Or Retaliation For Nemmers Looking Into Richard Leroy Leach III's Assault On Lom's Wife, Belita At Northome Municipal Liquor Store (Case No. 36-CR-15-570)? Leach Banned From Northome Municpal Prior To Assault? Vic Is Still Mad About John Richard Lom Of Lawless Itasca County - Acquitted Of Obstructing Legal Process, A Felony ( Not Guilty ) - Case No. 31-CR-13-137, Isn't He? Lom Accused Of Shooting Up Vehicle With Illegally Switched VIN Numbers? Koochiching Co. Sheriff Perryn Hedlund & Co. Attorney Jeff Naglosky Illegally Send Nemmers Confidential Investigative Data For Lom's Active Case 36-CR-15-575, But Illegally Withhold Public Data For Leach's Closed Cases - Case No. 36-CR-09-736 & Case No. 36-K0-97-000555? Vic Slanders Lom By Saying Lom Is Anti-LEO in Confidential Documents?

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Corrupt Cook County Illegally Withholding Convicted Cook County Attorney Timothy Christopher Scannell Data Again? Nemmers Spices It Up By Submitting Informed Consent Data Request For Nemmers? Jeff Cadwell, County Administrator Already Recorded Way Back On July 19, 2017?

from:    Lion News
Molly Hicken,
Jan Sivertson
date:    Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 10:53 AM
subject:    Chapter 13 Informed Consent Nemmers - Where is Chapter 13 data request - Cook County Attorney Timothy Christopher Scannell data?

Jeff Cadwell, County Administrator 218.387.3687:

Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, subject data: See attached informed consent form for Terry Dean, Nemmers

By the way, where is my readily available, free, electronic, public data that I requested on Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 10:56 AM, hmm?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

from:    Jeff Cadwell
to:    Lion News,
Molly Hicken,
Jan Sivertson
date:    Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 11:12 AM
subject:    RE: Chapter 13 data request - Cook County Attorney Timothy Christopher Scannell data

Thank you Mr. Nemmers for your data request. Consistent with State Statute and our own policy we will respond to your request within a reasonable amount of time.

Jeff Cadwell
Cook County Administrator  13.09 PENALTIES. (a) Any person who willfully violates the provisions of this chapter or any rules adopted under this chapter or whose conduct constitutes the knowing unauthorized acquisition of not public data, as defined in section 13.055, subdivision 1, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (b) Willful violation of this chapter, including any action subject to a criminal penalty under paragraph (a), by any public employee constitutes just cause for suspension without pay or dismissal of the public employee. However, the Department did not provide Ms. Kerr with access to any of the data for five weeks. ... Although the Department did not provide information about its data practices policies and procedures, in instances like this one, those procedures ought to provide for a response within a matter of days, not weeks. Minnesota Department of Administration Advisory Opinion 95-042

Attachment: Nemmers_InfrmdCnsnt.pdf

Jeff Cadwell, County Administrator September 12, 2017
411 W. 2nd Street
Grand Marais, MN 55604
PH: 218.387.3687

Emailed to:,,

I, Terry Dean, Nemmers, give my permission for Cook County to release data about me to Terry Dean, Nemmers as described in this consent. I understand that my decision to allow release of the data to Terry Dean, Nemmers is voluntary.
1. The specific data that Cook County may release to Terry Dean, Nemmers are: Any and all data for Terry Dean, Nemmers. Correspondence, emails, internal memos, data requests, police reports, digital images, audio recordings, etc.
2. I understand Cook County wants to release the data for this reason: I am the subject of the data.
3. I understand that although the data are classified as private at Cook County, the classification/ treatment of the data at Terry Dean, Nemmers may not be the same and is dependent on laws or policies that apply to Terry Dean, Nemmers. This permission to release expires 1-1-18. I do not want my readily available, free, electronic, private/public data to be maliciously converted to scanned PDF files. I want searchable PDF files. I want my data filed shared to me via your LOGIS File Management System. You can mail me my electronic data at your cost. I do not accept registered nor certified mail. I am aware that willful refusal to comply with the MGDPA is a criminal act (MS 13.09 & 609.43).    __________________________________________________
Terry Dean, Nemmers
20179 County Road 28
Glenwood, MN 56334
(320) 283-5713 Actual Cost: These can be included: Cost of media (paper, CD ROMs, DVDs, etc.); Mailing costs; Employee time to prepare copies, Costs of reproduction that cannot be done by the entity, such as photographs (Advisory Opinions 95-044 and 97-012), Employee time to search for and retrieve data for copying (Advisory Opinion 00-054) [Entities cannot charge search for and retrieval time when the requestor is the data subject]. [Note: the actual cost of a DVD is approximately two (2) cents.] Copy Costs: Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, allows, but does not require, government entities to charge for copies of government data.

ORI: MN016013A, County: Cook, Agency Type: Prosecuting Authority, Name: Cook County Sheriff, Module: Incident Referral, Date Deployed: 4/2/2013, Last Adapter Used: DAMION Prosecutor. ORI: MN0160000, County: Cook, Agency Type: Law Enforcement, Name: Cook County Sheriff, Module: Citation, Date Deployed: 1/29/2010, Last Adapter Used: DAMION Shield. ORI: MN0160000, County: Cook, Agency Type: Law Enforcement, Name: Cook County Sheriff, Module: DWI, Date Deployed: 12/20/2012, Last Adapter Used: eCharging. BCA 2016.07.05 Agency Deployment Report (003).pdf However, the Department did not provide Ms. Kerr with access to any of the data for five weeks. ... Although the Department did not provide information about its data practices policies and procedures, in instances like this one, those procedures ought to provide for a response within a matter of days, not weeks. Minnesota Department of Administration Advisory Opinion 95-042.

from:    Lion News
Molly Hicken,
Jan Sivertson
date:    Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 10:56 AM
subject:    Chapter 13 data request - Cook County Attorney Timothy Christopher Scannell data

Jeff Cadwell, County Administrator 218.387.3687:

Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data:

1. County of Cook's resolution appointing a responsible authority administratively and technically qualified Responsible Authority.
2. County of Cook's Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies
3. Work-related continuing education for Cook County Attorney Molly Hicken & Cook County Sheriff Pat Eliasen. Years: 2010-2017
4. Zuercher Technologies Inc Licensing and Service Quote. 2. Master Software License Agreement with Zuercher Technologies Inc. 3. Zuercher Technologies Inc vendor Questions to County of Cook's. 4. County of Cook's Public Safety Software System Recommendation Report for Zuercher Technologies Inc. 5. Zuercher Technologies Inc payments for years: 2010-2017.
5. Subd. 7. Criminal investigative data for Case No. 16-CR-13-279 State of Minnesota vs Cook County Attorney Timothy Christopher Scannell. 13.82 Comprehensive Law Enforcement Data.
6. Doc #1 - #93 for Case No. 16-CR-13-279 State of Minnesota vs Cook County Attorney Timothy Christopher Scannell. 13.03 Access to Government Data Subd. 12. Pleadings.
Feel free to mail me this readily available, free, electronic, public data at your expense.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. I do not accept registered or certified mail. Nor will I accept any ZixCorp secure email messages or file share accounts with logins and passwords.
P.S.S. Willful violation of this chapter, including any action subject to a criminal penalty under paragraph, right?
Lawyer License No: 0326525 Full Licensed Name: TIMOTHY CHRISTOPHER SCANNELL
City, State: GRAND MARAIS, MN Date Admitted to Minnesota Bar: 05/29/2003 Authorized to Practice?: NOT AUTHORIZED Reason(s): SUSPENDED FOR NON-PYMT OF FEES CLE: RESTRICTED-VOLUNTARY DISCIPLINE: SUSPENDED.

The Director of the Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility filed a petition for disciplinary action alleging that respondent Timothy Christopher Scannell has committed professional misconduct warranting public discipline, namely committing two counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct and making derogatory statements on his blog about criminal defendants has was currently prosecuting, in violation of Minn. R. Prof. Conduct 3.6(a), 8.4(b), and 8.4(d). April 1, 2015 Order. Case #: A14-1930 In re Petition for Disciplinary Action against Timothy Christopher Scannell, a Minnesota Attorney, Registration No. 326525

Case No. 16-CR-13-279 State of Minnesota vs Timothy Christopher Scannell
Defendant Scannell, Timothy Christopher
Total Financial Assessment     13,625.57
Total Payments and Credits      2,800.00
Balance Due as of 07/19/2017  10,825.57

RESOLUTION # 2017 - 3 5 BE IT RESOLVED, that the following claims totaling  $ 723 , 780.12 having been audited and found to be  true and correct claims against Cook County, are approved and the Auditor - Treasurer is hereby authorized  to draw warrants in payment of said claims: Zuercher Technologies Inc 75278.00

from:    Jeff Cadwell
to:    Lion News,
Molly Hicken,
Jan Sivertson
date:    Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 11:12 AM
subject:    RE: Chapter 13 data request - Cook County Attorney Timothy Christopher Scannell data

Thank you Mr. Nemmers for your data request. Consistent with State Statute and our own policy we will respond to your request within a reasonable amount of time.

Jeff Cadwell
Cook County Administrator

From: Lion News []
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 10:56 AM
To: Jeff Cadwell; Molly Hicken; Jan Sivertson
Subject: Chapter 13 data request - Cook County Attorney Timothy Christopher Scannell data

from:    Molly Hicken
to:    Lion News,
Jeff Cadwell,
Jan Sivertson
date:    Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 5:03 PM
subject:    RE: Chapter 13 data request - Cook County Attorney Timothy Christopher Scannell data
security:    Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

Mr. Nemmers,
In response to items 1. and 2. of your data request below, please see the attached PDF’s (2).

In response to item 3, work-related continuing education related to Cook County Attorney Molly Hicken is not in the possession of Cook County. These are not government data of Cook County.

We will provide you with a response to the  rest of item 3, item 4, and item 5 of your data request within a reasonable time.

In response to item 6, documents #1-#93 appear to be documents filed into a court record and indexed by the Minnesota Judicial Branch. These are not government data of Cook County. Thank you.

Molly Hicken
Cook County Attorney

(218) 387-3670
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. This communication comes from a government law office and may be a privileged communication between attorney and client, and therefore confidential. This communication may contain private, protected, or non-public data which is prohibited from disclosure beyond the intended recipient under applicable law.

This email and any attachments are intended only for the use of the addressee, individual, or entity named above. If the reader is not the intended recipient or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, the reader is hereby put on notice that any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by email and delete all copies of this email along with any attachments.

From: Lion News []
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 10:56 AM
To: Jeff Cadwell; Molly Hicken; Jan Sivertson
Subject: Chapter 13 data request - Cook County Attorney Timothy Christopher Scannell data

2 Attachments: Co. Bd. Minutes November_15_2016.pdf, Data Practices Policies NOTICE

from:    Lion News
to:    Molly Hicken
cc:    Jeff Cadwell,
Jan Sivertson
date:    Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 7:12 AM
subject:    Re: Chapter 13 data request - Cook County Attorney Timothy Christopher Scannell data

Jan Sivertson, Commissioner District 3 Board Chair  218.387.2838:

I didn't appreciate your corrupt County Attorney Molly Hicken's harassing email, did I? I didn't, did I? And Hicken's loony and blatant lies would have more credibility if I hadn't already had similar readily available, free, electronic, public data already in my possession, wouldn't they? They would, wouldn't they? Too bad for Hicken that I possess similar public documents obtained through other Chapter 13 data requests of everything that I'm legally requesting from you, isn't it? Would you like to hear my audio recorded conversation with your corrupt County Administrator Jeff Cadwell? How about listening to my yet unreleased audio recorded conversation with your corrupt Hicken the last time she was illegally withholding Scannell data from me, hmm? It's safe to say that your planned license renewal assistance for your convicted sex offender Cook County Attorney Timmy Scannell isn't going to go the way you had planned, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Lawyer License No: 0326525 Full Licensed Name: TIMOTHY CHRISTOPHER SCANNELL City, State: GRAND MARAIS, MN Date Admitted to Minnesota Bar: 05/29/2003 Authorized to Practice?: NOT AUTHORIZED Reason(s): SUSPENDED FOR NON-PYMT OF FEES CLE: RESTRICTED-VOLUNTARY DISCIPLINE: SUSPENDED Case Number: A14-1930 Date: 04/01/2015 Determination: Suspension

from:    County Attorney
to:    ""
date:    Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 1:10 PM
subject:    Request Regarding Wetterling Data, July 12, 2017 (Part #1)

    Mr. Nemmers,
    Attached please find a response to your request regarding the above-subject.  Because of the file size you will receive 7 emails with the attachments.
    Thank you.

Minnesota Board of Continuing Education – Attorney Login  My CLE Attendance Attorney License #: 0296466 Attorney Name Quinn, Matthew Michael (Chief Deputy Stearns County Attorney – Now appointed judge of Mille Lacs County) Event: 239700, Event Date: 7/17/2016, Course Title: National Victim’s Rights Summit 2016, Standard?PD, Status Approved. Terry Nemmers Data Practice Request07312017124544_Part1.pdf

from:    Elmquist, Jim
to:    ""
date:    Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 2:36 PM
subject:    Employee Relations Manual
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more

... In regards to your request regarding “Documents #1 - #15 for K.W. v. Gunderson et al and settlement checks”, enclosed are the documents we are in possession of pertaining to this request. For the other documents, I suggest you contact Karen Ebert, MCIT Counsel at (651)249-6423.  Just a note, the documents you reference here were not created by Dodge County, but instead a law firm administered through MCIT. Due to the size of the data attached, I will be sending in two emails. Sincerely, Jim Elmquist Dodge County SKM_C554e17071411290.pdf

More to come . . .

Related links:

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